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Swedish massage in Manchester

The Urban Classic is Urban's Swedish-inspired treatment, with pressure you can set as you like.

Light-medium pressure

You've got:

Tired, achy muscles

How a Swedish massage helps

  • A perfect first treatment for anyone in need of a massage

  • Pressure starts at light to medium to balance relaxation with recovery

  • Perfect if you feel stressed or physically tired

Why you should try a Swedish massage

The Urban classic mixes different massage traditions to make a balanced relaxing and restorative treatment. It's perfect for helping you loosen knots and find calm in equal measure.

During an Urban classic massage

Your therapist will first set up their massage table, then run you through a quick consultation.

Then they'll give you a full-body massage with a combination of techniques at medium-light pressure (which you're welcome to set just to your liking)

We recommend choosing a 90 minute treatment to make sure your therapist has time to work on all your problem areas.

More info about Swedish massage in Manchester

The Urban Classic, Urban's Swedish-inspired massage, can be booked to your home, hotel or office anywhere in Manchester.

Service areas for Urban reach as far north as Rochdale and as far south as Knutsford, as far east as Oldham and as far west as Astley.

Wondering if your address is in a service area? Enter your postcode here to find out, and see which treatments are available.

Yes! Simply enter your hotel's postcode in the address picker when you book. We also recommend checking your hotel allows in-room treatments before booking.

If you're exploring Manchester as a tourist, an Urban classic can give you the extra energy you need to enjoy Manchester's highlights, like Spinningfields, the Etihad Stadium, the Northern Quarter and the Science and Industry Museum.

It's Urban's signature a full-body massage treatment. Using medium pressure, therapists help to work out knots and tension, and relieve some stress. All Urban classic treatments start with a consultation to work out what you need, then a massage which includes your head, hands and feet.

The Urban classic resembles a Swedish massage, in that it’s medium pressure with techniques to relieve tension across the whole body. Let your therapist know if you want them to focus on stress relief or working out tension, and they'll tailor your treatment.

The main difference is pressure. Deep tissue treatments work out knots and tension with deep pressure, while an Urban classic uses lighter pressure, making it more relaxing if you're just looking to unwind.

No, we don't recommend an Urban classic if you're pregnant. Try a specialist pregnancy massage instead, which you can get from your second trimester.

It’s important to hold off on getting a massage if you’re unwell with a fever or flu-like symptoms, or if you have a contagious skin disease, just to help keep you and your therapist safe. Therapists can cancel your treatment if they think it will harm you or them in any way.

If you have a health condition and you’re not sure about booking a massage, consult your GP for advice beforehand.