The return of Swedish massage

Massage therapist prepares oil in their hands for a swedish massage

From cult TV to beautifully sleek furniture, everything Scandinavian is where it’s at right now – and the massage table is no exception.

Chances are you’ve had a Swedish back massage before, but now there’s more reason than ever to jump on the bandwagon.

The benefits of Swedish massage can be felt after one treatment

Swedish body massage – in which your masseuse kneads using long strokes, deep circular movements and tapping — is known for its relaxing effects. But rather than just being a surface-level technique for blissing you out, it also has stress-busting, immune-boosting properties. Even better, studies from California University prove it makes a difference to your health from the very first session. Fiffig, right? (Oh, that’s Swedish for ‘clever’.)

Why Swedish massage is so relaxing

"If you’re looking for a relaxing body massage session you’ll really feel a change after, Swedish back massage is what you want,’ says masseuse Robert. ‘The long strokes, shorter kneading and a slightly firmer technique called cross fibre friction your therapist will use will all combine to release muscular tension and decrease inflammation,’ he says. ‘Not only is Swedish massage really effective, it’s super relaxing.’

How to give yourself a Swedish massage

Starting with your upper arm, press four fingers down onto your skin and form a cupping shape around the muscle. Push your thumb into the cupped muscle, and knead from your fingers into your palm, then your thumb, in a continuous motion.

The best Swedish massage in London, at yours

If being your own masseuse sounds too much like hard work, book a 90-minute session with a professional. According to the above study, just 45 minutes of Swedish body massage can significantly decrease your levels of cortisol (that pesky stress hormone) and increase white blood cells, the immune system heroes that fight colds and flu.

So get booking a Swedish back massage, your body will thank your mind for being so… ‘fiffig.’