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Men's underarm wax

Let your underarms breathe, minus the stubble.

Hot wax

From £32

During your treatment

Your wax expert is a total pro – they’ll bring everything they need to treat you.

Once you’re comfortable, they’ll prep your underarm area before applying hot wax, then they’ll remove it in quick, clean motions for minimal discomfort.

To finish, they’ll apply a soothing after-wax lotion to reduce inflammation.

Good to know

Some therapists carry a treatment table with them and they’ll need at least 2x2m of floor space to set it up. Others prefer to set up using the furniture in your home. Check your therapist's bio when booking to find a pro that matches your preferences.

Probably not the treatment for you if:

You have recent cuts or bruising to your underarm area.

You’ve recently shaved – wax can’t pick up hairs that are too short, around three weeks of regrowth is ideal.