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3 spine health myths, debunked

Spine health myths

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TikTok health advice can be a bit of a Wild West. We asked our in-house massage expert to take us for a scroll to debunk the most common myths.

Posted by

Patrik, Urban's lead therapist


  • Health conditions
  • Massage
  • Wellbeing


With titles like “‘Three things I’d never do as a massage therapist”, viral videos know how to stop us mid-scroll. But, as Urban’s in-house massage expert Patrik explains, to grab our attention, they often oversimplify complicated body mechanics. 

We asked Patrik to debunk three trending claims about back and spine health.

01. Carrying a bag on one shoulder can cause long-term damage

One popular TikTok video warns against one-sided bag carrying, with an urgency that might make you think just doing so once is enough to cause permanent curvature of the spine. Thankfully, our spines can withstand a lot before issues emerge, says Patrik. 

"While chronic imbalance can lead to issues, occasional heavy loads won't instantly harm your spine,” he says. “Just switch shoulders to maintain balance and prevent potential muscle imbalances.”

Collage featuring three women demonstrating different postures and spine positions

02. Your posture is to blame

Sure, sitting up straight and holding your phone at eye level seem ideal, but static positions can also lead to discomfort. "Our bodies crave movement to prevent stiffness and promote spinal health," Patrik advises. So, if you work at a desk, just make sure to stretch regularly and shift your position often to keep your body happy.

03. You’re sleeping wrong 

Has TikTok told you that your sleeping position happens to be the one that should be avoided at all costs? Patrik says don’t stress. "Your body naturally moves during sleep," he explains, "so fretting over the perfect position is unnecessary." Focus on comfort and support rather than worrying about a specific sleep posture.

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