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The five best massage oils to try

Apothecary massage oil bottles on a towel next to a bowl of pot pourri

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Alongside helping hands glide over skin, some massage oils offer plenty of health benefits you might find surprising. Try these five oils to get some extra goodness out of your treatment. 

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Alice from Urban


  • Massage


Fractionated coconut oil 

Not to be confused with coconut oil that you may use in the kitchen, fractionated coconut oil is perfect for massage. It’s odourless, tasteless and stays in liquid form even in the fridge. It sinks easily into the skin, making it a great moisturiser.

A 2017 study by Lin et al found coconut oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These make it perfect for massages that involve long strokes like an Urban Classic massage. The oiliness of fractionated coconut oil also helps hands glide on the skin without having to reapply constantly.

CBD oil

CBD oil is another oil great for massage because of its anti-inflammatory and pain-soothing qualities. Urban’s Gaia Guru CBD massage is perfect for releasing tension, soothing aches and soreness, working out knots and aiding muscle recovery. The aromas from Gaia Guru’s CBD oil and balm have their own therapeutic effects, helping you relax and energise. 

Jojoba oil

Another massage staple that we had to spotlight is jojoba oil. It’s non-comedogenic (which means it won’t block pores) with a neutral scent, and it’s non-greasy, making it perfect for people with sensitive or acne-prone skin. Jojoba oil is also loaded with vitamin E and B, which nourishes and soothes. It’s also unscented, making it the perfect carrier for essential oils.

Almond oil

Almond oil has many uses thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. You’ll often find it in cosmetic and hair products like soaps, conditioners and lip balms, and yep, it’s a great massage oil, too. 

Although almond oil is slightly greasier than others on this list, it’s extremely mild and gentle. It has deeply soothing and calming properties so it’s great for those with dry, irritated skin. Just be careful not to use it if you have a nut allergy.

Grapeseed oil

For those with nut allergies who can’t use almond oil, grapeseed oil is a fantastic alternative. Interestingly, it’s actually a by-product of the wine-making process. After grapes are used to make wine, the leftover seeds are then pressed and their oil is extracted to make grapeseed oil.

Grapeseed oil’s light and silky texture can leave skin looking healthy and glossy and it’s full of vitamins, fatty acids and plant compounds. Grapeseed oil also contains high levels of vitamin E which helps to promote healthy skin, leaving you looking plumped and hydrated. It’s also gentle enough for baby massages, too!

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