5 strange signs you’re under stress


Yes, stress causes butterflies and sleepless nights – but here are some of the more surprising signs you’re at full capacity.

1. You’re getting headaches

When you’re stressed, you tend to get tight muscles in your neck and shoulders, and that can lead to headaches. Research has shown a weekly 45-minute massage can help ease stress headaches.

2. You have an upset tummy

Bloated, constipated, got an upset tummy? Stress can contribute to gut problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). ‘While stress doesn’t actually cause IBS, it can aggravate it, so it’s worth taking steps to control it,’ says gastroenterologist Professor Peter Whorwell. Do whatever works for you, whether that’s taking a gentle walk or going to a yoga class.

3. You’re itching

It’s well known that stress can be linked to flare-ups of serious skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, but research has found it can also be connected to niggles like itchy skin, a flaky scalp and rashes on the hands. Switch to ultra-gentle skincare and try unwinding with a meditation app like Headspace.

4. You keep getting colds

‘Stress can depress your immune system so you pick up more colds,’ says Professor Ron Eccles, Director of the Common Cold Centre in Cardiff. When you’re under pressure, take extra care of yourself by getting plenty of sleep and eating lots of fruit and veg to counterbalance the effects of stress.

5. You’re hearing strange noises

If you keep getting a whooshing or ringing noise in your ears, that could be a sign you’re maxed out. According to research from The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, tinnitus is more than twice as common in people who are stressed.  See your GP if it’s bothering you – cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been shown to help ease tinnitus and can teach you strategies for coping with stress too.

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