The Ultimate hangover cures


Let’s face it, there’s no escaping the festive party season, and you’re probably going to be feeling a bit worse for wear. But what should you do if you’ve over-indulged?

‘Tis the season to eat, drink… and be merry! As we get into the festive spirit (or spirits?), most of us are familiar with the dizzy, nauseous, head-pounding feeling that follows, accompanied by the whispered words, ‘Never again’.

Alas, there is no cure for the common hangover – except for not drinking too much. But there are a few basics to help you back to clear-headedness.

1) KEEP HYDRATED:  Alcohol causes dehydration, which is responsible for many of the worst symptoms of the dreaded hangover. Registered Dietitian Annemarie Aburrow believes survival the day after the night before is, for the most part, all about water: Drinking plenty of fluid the morning after may help you start feeling better. Fluids like water, sparkling water and diluted squash may help.

2) MAKE SOUP OR SMOOTHIES: Try rustling up a thin vegetable soup (like vegetable bouillon), as it’s a good source of vitamins and minerals, and easy for the body to digest. Or make a fresh fruit smoothie or vegetable juice. Carrot, beetroot, green apples and green vegetables are great at ridding the body of nasty toxins, as are bitter juices like bittergourd, arugula, watercress or grapefruit.

3) BREATHE THROUGH ALTERNATE NOSTRILS: Yogi enthusiasts argue that alternate nostril breathing is key when the nausea hits, as oxygen is your best friend in the fight against the mighty hangover.

4) DO A SPOT OF STRETCHING:  Stretching and doing anything that forces the body to move is also great for getting oxygen pumping around the body. And anything that does that is bound to make you feel a bit better than before!

5) GET SOME ‘EGGS-TRA’ HELP: If you’re craving a post-drinking fry-up, hold the bacon and sausage and instead go for eggs served with steamed spinach and grilled tomato. Eggs contain cysteine which helps break down acetaldehyde, a by-product created when alcohol is processed in the body, while spinach and tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and potassium, an electrolyte that will aid rehydration if you’ve been ill.

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