Are you tired all the time?


“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day”

So says Matthew Walker, the author of bestseller ‘Why we sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams’. Obviously we’re big believers in the power of massage, but we can’t argue with what Matthew’s saying: sleep trumps all.

Research shows that half of us feel worn out all the time. If you’re in the sleep-deprived half, here’s a few steps to give you a much-needed boost. If you think your energy levels are pretty decent, these tips are definitely still worth a read.

Sort your sleep

You might be getting less shut-eye than you realise. Due to our tech-obsessed lives, loads of us don’t achieve proper rapid eye movement (REM), which is the restorative part of our sleep cycle. This junk sleep is caused by the blue light wavelengths produced by laptops, tablets and smartphone screens. It suppresses production of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which helps maintain your internal body clock.

Experts advise turning off your tech 30-60 minutes before bed. Sound like too much of a challenge? Try having a relaxing massage at home before bed. This should help to clear your mind and relax your body, preparing you for a great night’s sleep.

See your doctor

Struggling to work out why you’re so fatigued? Consult your doctor to check that everything is A-OK. “There are certain medical conditions that can cause tiredness,” says GP Dr Rob Hicks. “Things I’d test for include anaemia (iron deficiency), under active thyroid and diabetes,” he explains. These can all be treated relatively easily so it’s worthwhile getting them checked out.

Check your mood

“Depression could be affecting your sleep quality and also your energy too,” says Dr Hicks. There are certain times of year when we’re more likely to feel down (hello, January), or if things are tricky at work or home it’s common to need a little extra boost. Find someone to talk to (again, your GP can help here) or look for some ways to keep steady. Massage can have a positive impact on your mood by boosting your serotonin levels – so that’s an idea to consider.

Drip-feed your energy levels

“Going for long periods without food can cause your blood glucose levels to sink, leaving you lethargic and drained,” says nutrition consultant Ian Marber. “Low-GI snacks, combining protein with carbohydrates, are ideal to keep your vitality levels up – eating this way means the glucose from food is released slowly into your bloodstream.” Try snacking on high-protein yoghurts with chopped apple, or rye bread spread with hummus to keep your energy levels steady.

Head outside


Lack of sunlight can make you lethargic and if you live anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, then you’re likely to be low on the bright stuff. Sunlight gives us vitamin D, which is vital for energy production. Up yours by taking a supplement and aim to get at least part of your exercise outdoors. For example, instead of driving to the gym, walk or cycle and count that as your warm-up. Even a lunchtime wander can help!

Boost your B’s

B vitamins help with energy metabolism in your body. Get plenty in your diet by eating meat, seafood, legumes (beans, peas, lentils & peanuts) and whole grains. You could also top up with a B-vitamin complex; supplements are a great way to add vitamins to your diet if you aren’t able to change the food you eat.

Have a massage

Sometimes there’s nothing better than a massage to help with tiredness. Picking a treatment that offers light pressure and flowing strokes will release muscle tension and calm your nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Looking for an energy boost – perhaps first thing in the morning? We love our Energising massage, which uses tapotement techniques in form of cupping, hacking and kneading, alongside peppermint essential oils to invigorate the body and mind.

Who are we? We’re Urban Massage – on a mission to make wellness rituals convenient and accessible without compromising on quality. So, from just £49 an hour, you can enjoy a range of massages from an expert therapist at a time to suit you. Download the app or go to to book 60 minutes of restorative me time.


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