Embrace the power of kindness this Mental Health Awareness Week

With anxiety and stress levels understandably high at the moment, there’s a lot to be said for kindness – which is why it’s this year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week.

In response to the global pandemic, this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is focusing on the topic of kindness.

Each day, whilst we idly watch countless news reports and digest numbers and graphs, we thrive in the positive news stories that stem from kindness. In this time of adversity, the strength in kindness is shining through. Whether that’s through gratitude each Thursday when we #ClapForOurCarers, support and revel in the determination of 100-year old veteran Colonel Tom Moore raising millions for the NHS, or even just checking in with a friend or colleague who’s struggling – kindness is becoming a cornerstone of this crisis.

Aside from helping carry us through an incredibly challenging period, demonstrating kindness has been proven to have numerous positive benefits on our health:

In the workplace, the health benefits outlined above can improve the physical and mental wellbeing of staff. Ultimately this can help to lower sickness and absence. The higher levels of engagement and positivity can also contribute to staff retention and productivity.

Read more: How to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine >

Get your team involved in Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week, why not invite your staff to participate in an acts of kindness challenge? Each day over the next week (18-24 May), challenge employees to perform one act of kindness. This can be towards colleagues, friends, family or even themselves – and document them in your company Slack channel, Teams page or on your intranet. Tag us in your posts on social media and follow us @UrbanApp, where we’ll be sharing a selection of your acts of kindness throughout Mental Health Awareness Week.

Looking for an act of kindness for your team? Get in touch to book a virtual wellbeing session or gift Urban vouchers to your employees as a thank you this Mental Health Awareness Week.

Who are we? We’re Urban Business, on a mission to empower employees through wellness. We offer a range of virtual wellbeing services, delivered by our expert partner-practitioners, to help keep your employees well while working from home. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for more wellbeing tips.

Join our work from home community and discover the power of well today.

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