Your post-massage recovery plan

Part of Massage

Taking the right steps after a massage can aid your recovery – follow our minute-by-minute plan to get the most out of your experience.

1 minute after…  Drink water

Your muscles can become dehydrated during a massage, just like when you exercise, so rehydrating straight afterwards is important. ‘It also helps remove waste materials and unwanted toxins that have been stored and released from your muscles by the massage,’ says Devjit Basu, a massage practitioner with Urban Massage. ‘Try water or herbal tea after a massage to help bring body and mind back into the present,’ he adds.

10 minutes after… Stretch

You shouldn’t exercise without stretching afterwards, and with your muscles getting a workout the same practice applies. ‘Stretching helps your muscles realign and improves recovery, reducing post-massage muscle pain,’ says Devjit. ‘After a deep tissue massage, icing the tender areas may help lessen any soreness.’

20 minutes after Eat a light snack

‘Massage stimulates your circulation and your digestive system so you may feel hungry after the massage,’ says Devjit. ‘A small snack, such as a rice cake and a handful of nuts, provides an instant energy boost.’ This will also prevent you feeling light-headed due to a drop in blood pressure as you relaxed during your session.

30 minutes after… Take a bath

Sinking into a warm (not hot) bath is a great way to aid recovery after massage. ‘The warm water will help open your blood vessels and increase circulation, easing aches and stiffness,’ says Devjit. ‘Adding some Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) can help draw out toxins in the body, boosting wellbeing.’

1 hour after… Rest

Try to keep your diary clear after having a massage so you can leave time for a nap or rest. ‘Massage is not just a physical process, but a mental one, too,’ says Devjit. ‘It helps to de-stress and relax you, so don’t undo the work in your session by rushing around afterwards – take a rest and allow your body to rebalance itself and retune.’


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