The benefits of a babymoon

Part of Wellness

The prospect of becoming a parent is an exciting thing, but once your bundle of joy arrives everything will change. Disrupted sleeping patterns and dirty nappies will come hand in hand with first moments and precious memories. Before you have to take on full parental duties why not explore the idea of babymoon. Known as a final couples holiday before your baby is born, a babymoon is meant to be almost like a second honeymoon. You get to spend time with your other half away from the stresses of everyday and pregnancy worries. What’s not to like?

The second trimester is the safest time to book a babymoon trip, as you can still travel on long haul flights. Beach getaways can be the perfect opportunity to unwind, while others may prefer to be immersed in nature among mountains or a forest. Not sure if travelling when you’re expecting is for you? Read on to discover the benefits of a babymoon and you’ll no doubt be booking yours ASAP.

credit: @flytographer

It can help you to relax

If you’re left with a feeling of bliss every time you experience a pregnancy massage in London, chances are a babymoon is perfect for you. Opt for a spa retreat if you both want to enjoy being pampered or if you’d rather let your partner be the masseuse just buy some massage oils and stay inside a country hideaway. Being away from family and friends who are no doubt adding to your pregnancy anxiety will give both your body and mind time to destress too, and we all know the importance of relaxation during pregnancy.

 It will bring you closer as a couple

Babymoon’s are all about avoiding typical tourist destinations and instead taking the time to just be with each other. Rather than sightseeing or exploring shopping streets enjoy just being alone together. Reminiscing on all your favorite memories as a couple will no doubt strengthen your bond and make you even more excited for your new arrival.

It gives you time to plan away from third parties

During your second trimester there are probably a lot of things you haven’t figured out, from which colour to paint the nursery to what to call your baby. A babymoon offers time and space for you to really get down to discussing the things you may have been putting off due to stress, and when you’re in a relaxed setting your decisions will make much more sense.


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