How to set up your kitchen for an energising massage

Part of Urban Living

One of the best things about mobile massage is that it allows you to enjoy treatments from the comfort of your own home, but choosing what room you should be massaged in not only depends on space but the nature of the massage itself. While many may opt for the bedroom for comfort or the living room for space, if you’re planning on booking an energising massage it is worth considering having your treatment in your kitchen.

An energising massage aims to awaken your senses. Your therapist will use a combination vigorous movements like cupping and kneading alongside oils to help promote feelings of rejuvenation. The kitchen is usually full of natural light with a good flow of fresh air. Here are some tips on how to make your kitchen even more invigorating and the perfect setting for an energising treatment.

Freshen up with some plant life

Plants really help to bring life into a room but don’t panic if your kitchen doesn’t have any, our friends at Patch are on hand to help. Patch helps you discover the best plants for your space, delivers them to your door and helps you looks after them. They have sent us some helpful recommendations of a wide variety of green delights that will instantly transform your kitchen.

A low maintenance succulent like Suri thrives on sunny kitchen window sills.

The Venus hair fern is very comfortable in shade, making it the perfect plant to lighten up a gloomy corner if you’re wishing you had more light in your kitchen.

If you’re worried about space, the Tiny Bertie is a small plant native to the tropics and loves a humid, buzzy environment.

Give it a quick clean

Even though you’ve booked an energising treatment you still want to be in a space that makes you feel calm and at ease, so if your kitchen is full of dirty dishes and unwashed cups it’s time to get cleaning. Getting up off the massage bed to a clean and colourful kitchen will make you feel even more energised.

Open the windows

Fresh air is one of the easiest ways to breathe life into a room and it can also help get rid of lingering cooking smells, so be sure to open the windows a few minutes before your therapist reaches you. Opening the window is also great for ensuring the temperature isn’t too warm for your massage, a comfortably cool room is ideal.

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