Putting a fair price on Urban treatments

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We’re increasing the price of certain massage treatments on Urban. It’s a decision we’ve made collaboratively with our partner therapists to help them continue to earn a good living on our app. 

Urban treatments shouldn’t come at a human cost

It’s an all-too familiar scene in the gig economy; to grow their business, companies drop their prices so low that people working on their app struggle to make ends meet. We don’t think that’s the right approach.

With this update, our partner pros are set to earn the highest payout-per-treatment on the market. It’s a solution we’ve arrived at after taking a close look at the mounting costs therapists face day-to-day, impacted by Covid among other things. 

To help explain in a little more depth, here’s a quick breakdown of where your booking fee goes:

Depending on the treatment or time you book, between 70% and 80% of what you pay goes straight to your therapist.

But since massage pros are self-employed on Urban, they’re in charge of the cost of running their own businesses. Their day-to-day expenses include:

On average, we estimate it costs therapists roughly £12 of their own earnings per booking to keep all of the above covered. 

The remaining 20-30% of what you pay we use to keep Urban running. It goes on a few different things: 

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