Meet Sue.. our first Urban Hero

Part of Urban Living


Zsuzsanna originally hails from Hungary, home of goulash, Rubik’s cubes and world-famous spas. She’s Urban alumni, having partnered with us since 2013, but her journey as a massage therapist started when she qualified back in 2006. We sat down with her to find out how her story has played out from then ‘til now.


“Way back at the end of 2013, I spotted an ad on Gumtree looking for massage therapists to join a brand new online platform. I met Jack, Urban’s CEO, for an interview and we stayed in touch. Fast-forward a few months, and I found myself as one Urban’s very first therapist partners.”


“My aim in life is to discover as many sides of myself as possible, and partnering with Urban helps me do that. On top of my massage therapy work, I was a professional dancer for 10 years, and still do it as a hobby. As well as that, I’ve recently graduated as a photographer, and being able to set my own schedule lets me find time to pursue projects that help me develop my artistic side.


“My ambitions don’t stop there though! I grew up in a very artsy family, so I was always encouraged to explore avenues that made me look at visual cultures as a way of expressing myself. I’d love to give acting a go; even stand-up comedy! I’ve found that Urban is a great platform to meet like-minded professionals – I guess because many of us use Urban to help pursue other dreams and ambitions.”



When she’s not snapping photos, dancing freely, practicing yoga, or helping her clients feel better than ever, you can sometimes find Zsuzsanna in the kitchen making a traditional Lángos – a Hungarian street food – “ It’s a glorious combination of fried dough with garlic, sour cream and cheese and a bit of salt on top! Delicious”


“Over many years of being my own boss, I’ve learnt a lot about myself. I’m far from being a “business person”, but I feel that I’ve come to realise that if I keep running around I’ll not go further ahead in life – often I can find everything I need where I am at this moment in time.”

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