Let’s talk skincare: our team’s grooming routines

Part of Beauty

We caught up with some of the guys from the Urban team to find out about their beauty regimes, what types of products they like to use and if there’s any Urban treatments they love or really want to try, but haven’t yet…

Billy – Operations Manager

Hi Billy, what does your grooming routine look like?

A trip to the barber every three to four weeks is the essential. Sometimes the rest of my routine struggles to keep up but that’s a must! I have my skincare routine nailed down fairly well now, usually scrubbing in the morning and then putting on a bunch of stuff from The Ordinary before I go to bed.

How does your grooming routine make you feel?

You can’t really match the feeling of a getting a good haircut. It has a real knock-on effect on my mood for the whole week, and generally just makes me feel I’ve got my life together until it starts to get a bit shabby again.

Is there an Urban beauty treatment you haven’t tried yet but always wanted to?

I have the 60-minute Dermalogica facial on my bucket list – mainly for the experience, but also so I can learn from my pro about how I can better look after my skin!

Chris – Supply Associate 

Hi Chris, what does your grooming routine look like?

The most to a routine I have is for my face, other than the usual haircuts and nail cutting. I have an oily face which can lead to quite bad acne and I can get lots of blemishes, so I had to find a good routine to prevent that. My ideal routine is every morning and before bed I’ll use a deep cleanse face wash, then a toner, then use the Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 and then an oil free moisturiser. I’ll use an exfoliating face wash like twice a week to really clean out the pores.

How does your grooming routine make you feel?

The face routine really helps keep my face clean and fresh which makes me feel really good and confident.

Is there an Urban beauty treatment you haven’t tried yet but always wanted to?

I want to try the Dermalogica facial with the 30min massage. I’ve not used Dermalogica products or ever had a proper facial so I’m keen to find out how good it is and what difference it makes.

Fernand – CRM Manager

Hi Fernand, please can you tell us about your grooming routine?

My routine has quite a few steps because I have sensitive skin and curly hair, so I need to use specialist products to avoid skin irritation and protect my curls. I also love an under-eye serum, I use the Anti-Dark circle serum from Horace.

How does it make you feel?

I feel fresher and confident to face the day of work or the night if I’m going out.

Is there an Urban beauty treatment you haven’t tried yet but always wanted to?

If I had to pick one I would say maybe leg waxing. 

James – Head of Operations

Hi James, please can you tell us about your grooming routine?

I don’t really have a day-to-day grooming routine, but I do love going to my local Turkish Barbers for a haircut. Switching off for 30 minutes, plus the hot towel and mini-massage is a great way to relax!

Is there an Urban beauty treatment you haven’t tried yet but always wanted to?

I’ve never had a facial (on Urban or elsewhere) so that’s definitely top of my list. The closest I’ve come is a packet face mask with my girlfriend while watching a movie so I think it would be a big step up!




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