How Ayurveda connects with skincare

Part of Wellness

Ayurveda is the traditional holistic healing system of India and is believed to be the oldest-surviving complete medical system in the world, dating back approximately 5,000 years. The term ‘Ayurveda’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘ayur’ meaning ‘life’ and ‘veda’ meaning wisdom.

In Ayurveda, there are three primary life forces or ‘humours’ derived from the five elements known as ‘doshas’ – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – which are responsible for all functions in the body, both physical and psychological.

As Ayurveda relates to all aspects of the body, it can also provide insight into different skin types and how to care for your skin.

Vata Skin

Vata is a combination of the elements of ether and air and Vata types tend to be creative and full of vitality. They are enthusiastic and sensitive, imaginative and impulsive.

Vata skin is generally dry, delicate and cool to the touch. It is easily dehydrated and vulnerable to dry, windy weather.

The skincare products used on Vata skin should be very nurturing and contain essential oils or herbs in combination in order to nourish the skin and rehydrate it.

Pitta Skin

Pitta is a combination of the elements of fire and water and Pitta types tend to be ambitious and quick-witted. They are intelligent, organised and often perfectionists.

Pitta skin tends to be sensitive, soft and warm. When out of balance, Pitta skin can flare up in rashes or rosacea

Pitta skin needs both nurturing and cooling. Use skincare products that increase the skin’s resistance to the sun.

Kapha Skin

Kapha is a combination of the elements of earth and water and tend to be stable and calm. Kapha types are peaceful, grounded, methodical and passionate.

Kapha skin has all the qualities of water and earth. It can be oily, soft, cool and more tolerant of the sun. Kapha types may suffer from enlarged pores, excessive oil and blackheads.

Kapha skin is more prone to accumulating toxins underneath the skin. People with Kapha skin need to detoxify on a regular basis.

Discover your Ayurvedic dosha and the perfect skincare products to compliment your skin type with Urban Veda.

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