Confidence boosters for five tricky situations

Part of Wellness

If you’re having a difficult day or you have a challenge to overcome – whether it’s a first date or a work presentation – try our confidence-building tips.

1. When you have a first date

Avoid tripping yourself up with negative thinking, says Dr Jessamy Hibberd. ‘Self-critical thoughts can affect how you act – and your confidence,’ she says. If you feel sure your date won’t be interested, you may be subdued – which may mean you come across as bored or unapproachable. Instead, before the date, remind yourself this is a chance to see if the two of you get on, and there’s every chance you’ll have a good evening. Going with this attitude will change your experience.

2. When you’re meeting your partner’s parents for the first time

‘If you’re anxious, you’ll automatically hunch your shoulders, frown and avoid eye contact,’ explains Jessamy. And that could make it harder for them to engage with you. Jessamy suggests taking a few deep breaths, relaxing your shoulders and smoothing out your facial expression.

3. When you’re feeling down on yourself

Just one of those days? Think about all the compliments you’ve been given recently, from what a great listener you are, to what lovely eyes you have and jot them down. ‘People with low confidence tend to brush off compliments, but writing them down can help reinforce them,’ says Jessamy.

4. When you have a difficult meeting

Sit up straight – it will help you feel more capable. Research in the European Journal of Social Psychology found when people sat up straight in their chairs instead of slouching, they felt more confident about the work they were asked to complete.

5. When you need to assert yourself at work

If you’re not a naturally assertive person, it can be difficult to ask for something you want, such as a pay rise. ‘Taking a few risks with your clothes can make you feel braver,’ says Jessamy. Try wearing something bright, or put on the ultra-sharp suit you usually save for special occasions.

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