The best male fitness bloggers in the UK

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There’s an abundance of health and fitness blogs online. So many in fact that you’ll often be faced with conflicting nutritional advice and tips. So how do you navigate your way through the world of online wellness without getting caught up in the hype? There are still a lot of good guys out there on the UK fitness scene, and we’ve found four blogs set up by real people who offer personal stories, sound advice and a unique point of view.

The Lean Machines

Credit: The Lean Machines facebook

YouTube stars John Chapman and Leon Bustin are personal trainers, nutritionists and bloggers too. Their blog, The Lean Machines, teaches you how to eat and train well, but what we really like about this site is the way it tackles other issues men face in the workout world. From posts on the biggest lies in fitness to how social media is making us unhappy, this dynamic duo provides a well rounded approach to working out and everything that comes with it.

Father Fitness

Credit: Father Fitness facebook

Spurred on by the birth of his first child, Paul Stainthorpe created his blog to chart his progress as he worked to get a fitter body. Now a hub for advice on everything from workouts to where to take your family on holiday, this is one of the most down to earth fitness blogs we’ve ever come across. With separate sections on nutrition, weight loss and how to build muscles, any man, father or not, will find this site useful.

The Body Coach

Credit: The Body Coach facebook

Famous for his Lean in 15 videos on Instagram, Joe Wicks’ blog, The Body Coach, not only includes recipes from his cookbooks but also an insight into the man himself as he tours the country showcasing his books and meal plans. Offering tips for both men and women on everything from how to get a good night’s sleep to how to keep lean on the go, Joe’s friendly, Essex tone translates to his blog posts too.

Bradley Simmons

Credit: Bradley Simmonds facebook

After his career as a professional footballer was tragically cut short, Bradley Simmons became a personal trainer and took to Instagram to showcase his work. He has since gained a phenomenal following and his blog is just a successful. Alongside the workout advice you would expect, Bradley also shares recipes, fashion advice and travel posts.

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