The best baby-safe natural pregnancy products

Part of Wellness

Main image credit: @nuglowskincare

Pregnancy is a wonderful thing but sometimes the way it can make your skin act is far from it. While some get the pregnancy ‘glow’, many others are left with acne-prone or irritated skin from stress and hormones. A pregnancy massage can be your first port of call if you need to relax and unwind, but if you skin stills needs a little saving then natural beauty products may be your next step.

Chemical-laden products are never ideal, but they should especially be avoided when you’re expecting. Instead opt for beauty products that are as organic and natural as possible. We’ve highlighted four of our favourite beauty products that are safe to use during pregnancy below, and all of them can be found at any health food store.

Shea butter

credit: @itsnzerem

Keeping your skin hydrated and your stretch marks at bay, shea butter will become your best friend during pregnancy. The high concentrate of fatty acids in shea butter aids the promotion of collagen in the skin, helping to keep it bouncy and soft even after the baby is born. Use it all over your body wherever there is dryness or irritation and you should see results almost overnight.

Rosehip oil

Many women suffer from pregnancy-related problem skin, whether that be redness, dryness or even adult acne. Luckily the saviour for your face is as pure as can be: organic rosehip oil. After cleansing and toning apply this fragrant oil in small amounts to your skin. It contains vitamin A which protects against free radicals and vitamin C antioxidants which help combat signs of fatigue. Both of which are very welcome when you’re feeling the full effects of carrying another person around with you for nine months.

Lavender oil

Chances are if you’ve ever had a massage you’ll have had lavender oil used on you at some point. Not only does is it have an uplifting scent that promotes a sense of wellbeing but it also can aid sleep. This makes it an ideal remedy when you’re up at all hours of the nights with baby-related anxiety or uncomfortableness. Try adding it to your bath and see how you breathe deeper.

Almond oil

credit: @mammothoils

While many claim pregnancy made their hair stronger and glossier than ever, a lot of women suffer from extremely frizzy hair when pregnant. This is when the beauty product almond oil steps in. This natural remedy smoothes frazzled hair leaving it shiny and silky. Almond oil is also great to use for a full body massage. On days when you need to knead out a knot between massage treatments, use some almond oil on your skin and relieving muscle tension will be much easier.

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