7 health hacks for your 9-5 day

Part of Wellness

Max up your health and vitality during your working day with these simple tips.

1. Get outside at lunch

Super-stressed? Walking outdoors boosts creative thinking, helping to power up your working afternoon. And even if you’re busy, make time for a five-minute walk outdoors – that’s enough to give you a mood boost, one study showed.

2. Drink up

Drinking water can keep you alert and focused and it’s vital for your energy and overall health. Try the Waterlogged app, free, which monitors how much you’re drinking and reminds you to get guzzling. If you sit down most of the time at work, drink your water out of a glass rather than filling up a big bottle to sip at – you’ll need to get up for more frequent trips to the water cooler, upping your day’s activity count.

3. Clear your work space

Got a messy desk? Being surrounded by clutter could be affecting your mood, according to research by American neuroscientists. Take time to have a clear out and you’ll feel more positive.

4. Get your heels on

If you stand a lot at work, avoid wearing completely flat shoes. ‘They don’t give your feet the support they need, leading to pain and overstretching calf muscles,’ says podiatrist Dr Tariq Khan. Swap ballet flats for a pump with a small heel – about 1.5 inches is ideal – or even a 70s-style wedge. Or you could adjust your existing shoes by sliding in a pair of Carnation Pro-nation orthotics, £14.99, which provide cushioning and hold your feet in the right position.

5. Follow the 20/20 rule

Work at a computer screen all day? To keep your eyes healthy and prevent headaches, take a 20-second break from your screen every 20 minutes. Frequent short breaks have been shown to be more beneficial than longer but less regular time away from the screen.

6. Snack right

Keep healthy snacks to hand so you’re not tempted by the chocolate machine. Try seeds, nuts, fresh fruit and chopped veg such as carrot and celery sticks.

7. Listen to music

When you have a few minutes of down time, put on your earphones and listen to your favourite music. Listening to upbeat tunes you love triggers a surge of feel-good hormone dopamine, dissolving sluggishness and stress, Canadian research has found.

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